Replika 125 – Panel discussions on the occasion of Replika journal's 125th issue on "class" and "'race'"

On the occasion of the 125th issue of Replika, a launch event will be held on 4 January 2023 from 18:00 at the Drei Raben / Három Holló art gallery and restaurant. The evening will feature a discussion with the authors, invited guests and the public on the two main blocks of the issue, "class" and "race". After sixty minutes of moderated discussion, we will "open up" the conversation and take questions from the audience.


18.00 - 19.30 Class/structure

Participants:Áron Márk Éber, Anikó Gregor, Dániel Kömüves, Ákos Huszár, Judit Durst
In the course of the presentation of the study block "Class/Structure", published in the 125th issue of the Replika journal, we will discuss the historical relations and processes of the (re)production of life, the historical development of the class structure with the authors of the study collection and invited contributors. The reason for this is that in recent years there has been a renewed focus on class structure (and its analysis). In the international circles of critical social science, the question has been raised more sharply since 2008, and in Hungary especially since 2010: how can the transformation tendencies of politics and economic crises be explained in terms of the "body" of society? Our collection of studies emphasises both the impact on class structures of longer-term processes and of events marking turning points.

19.30 - 21.00 "AMONG WHITES"
József Böröcz, Anikó Gregor, Ágoston Fáber, Ádám Havas

In the second thematic unit of the journal presentation, József Böröcz's study attempts to answer the following questions with the help of the author and his interlocutors. Is it possible to demand "whiteness" recognition without global violence? Would an 'objectively' undefined identity category of 'whiteness' make sense without global privileges? How can the concepts of 'race' and 'whiteness' be integrated into social analysis? Does it make sense to 'act' against the racism we are subjected to with even more ferocious racism? How is "whiteness" structured in the world today, in Europe, in Hungary? How many kinds of "whiteness" are there? What is the meaning of the concept of "Europe" in terms of the "whiteness" thus outlined?

Date: 4 January 2023 18.00-21.00


"Swinging" Cultural Difference in Eastern Europe: Genesis and Structure of Hungarian Jazz Diaspora, 11:30-1pm, April 5, 2023 Seminar Room – Department of Sociology, Davison Hall, Rutgers University, 26 Nichol Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Based on his recent Routledge book, Dr Havas will talk about the tensions of cultural globalization as mirrored in changing practices of improvised music throughout the 20th century. The talk opens a window to issues of race- and class-based formations of national culture, with special emphasis on Jewish assimilation and the crucial impact of Romani musicians on the development of jazz as 'art music' in the state socialist era. The distinctions between bebop and Bartók-oriented free jazz casts new light on Hungary's position between 'East' and 'West.'

“Rituals of Resistance, Trans-Generic Utopias, and the Limits of Free-(idi)oms: TheCultural Politics of Barcelona’s Free Improvisation Scene.”

“Rituals of Resistance, Trans-Generic Utopias, and the Limits of Free- (idi)oms: TheCultural Polics of Barcelona’s Free Improvisaon Scene.” 

Sonic Conversations in theWestern Mediterranean Online Lecture Series of the ERC Research Project “Past and Present

Guest Lecture at Rutgers University, Department of Sociology

Guest lecture on Pierre Bourdieu's constructivist structuralism at Rutgers University, "Sociology of Recent Soci(ologic)al Theory" PhD course.



Guest lecture at the New School's Brown Bag seminar series

“Swinging” Cultural Difference in Eastern Europe: The Genesis and Structure of the Hungarian Jazz Diaspora

Based on material from Dr Havas’ monograph, The Genesis and Structure of the Hungarian
Jazz Diaspora, (Routledge, 2022) the talk explores one hundred years of jazz in Hungary
from three major aspects:

1. the subversive role of jazz in the redefinition of racialized concepts of “national
2. Hungary’s geocultural “swinging” between “East” and “West” and
3. the emergence of a folk music inspired national free jazz movement.

"Jazz en Hungría: Historia Social y la Escena Contemporánea" – Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, 19 de abril, 2023

"Jazz en Hungría: Historia Social y la Escena Contemporánea" – Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, 19 de abril, 2023